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Pj. Gubernur Heru Tegaskan Jakarta Food Festival 2024
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Heru: Jakarta Food Festival 2024 as Commitment to Stabilize Food Price

Acting Jakarta Governor, Heru Budi Hartono, opened Jakarta Food Festival 2024 at Cipinang Rice Market, Pulogadung, East Jakarta, Thursday (6/20).

Thanks to our Regional Owned Enterprises

The event which held to celebrate Jakarta's 497 Anniversary is held for two days on June 20-21, 2024.

Heru gave appreciated to Jakarta Regional Owned Enterprises such as PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya, Perumda Pasar Jaya, Perumda Dharma Jaya, and Bank DKI for their synergy in implementing the event.

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Heru said this activity indicates the Jakarta Provincial Government's commitment to continue to maintain inflation and stabilize the supply and prices of staple foods in Jakarta.

"Thanks to our Regional Owned Enterprises for implementing the event. Many tasks from Jakarta Provincial Government for PT Food Station Perumda Pasar Jaya, and Perumda Dharma Jaya to maintain economy and food price stability. Because it has an impact on other prices and supports the overall economy both in Jakarta and Indonesia," Heru said, as quoted from Jakarta Provincial Government's press release.

At the event, Heru also launched two new products of PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya namely Padiwangi and Ciwangi premium rice. These two premium rice products are ready to be distributed to the public through retail in collaboration with PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya. Apart from that, Acting Governor Heru also expressed his appreciation for the diversification of rice products from cassava and corn.

"Of course, this is very encouraging. Because people can choose quality and diversified products from our staple foods. Once again I thank you for all these activities. This indicates that the DKI Provincial Government is committed to maintaining affordable basic prices in accordance with quality," he added.

Meanwhile, National Food Board Head, Arief Prasetyo Adi, appreciated Jakarta Provincial Government for implementing Jakarta Food Festival 2024 since it helps residents getting cheaper staple foods.

"The best Regional Owned Enterprises in Indonesia are owned by Jakarta Provincial Government. This activity really helps the community to get food at affordable prices," he said.

PT Food Station Tjipinang Jaya Director, Karyawan Gunarso, stated this event is held thanks to cooperation, synergy and collaboration with various parties. Those are Jakarta Food Tenacity, Maritime and Agriculture SMEs, Jakarta Industry, Trade, Cooperative and Small Medium Enterprise, Bank Indonesia, Bank DKI Jakarta, Cipinang Market traders, and other PT Food Station partners.

"It is hoped that this Jakarta Food Festival activity can help the community, especially the people of Jakarta and its surroundings, in getting cheap and affordable food, as well as strengthening the role of food BUMDs in contributing to Jakarta's food security," he stated.

The Jakarta Food Festival 2024 activity is participated by MSME actors who sold various basic food ingredients needed by the community at below market prices and held in locations that are easily accessible to the community. The event also prepares cheap staple food packages consisting 5kg of premium rice, 15 eggs, 1 liter of cooking oil, 4 boxes of UHT milk, and 1 kilogram of onion. It is sold Rp 100,000.

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